Tuesday, September 6, 2016



After Joseph decided to end his marriage commitment to Mary, God sent an angel to intervene. Through a dream, the angel confirmed to Joseph, “That which is in her has been created through the Holy Spirit.”[1]
The Greek word translated “angel” in the New Testament, ánggelos (ä́ng-gĕ-lŏs),[2] means “messenger.” The Hebrew word translated “angel” in the Old Testament, málok (mắl-ôk),[3] also means “messenger.” In the course of everyday life, these words referred to anyone who delivered any communication on behalf of someone else.

God created thousands of angels, His personal messengers who reside in Heaven.[4] As spirit beings,[5] they have neither male nor female gender,[6] but do possess greater abilities than human beings.[7]

Throughout history, God sent angels to Earth to carry out special assignments. He occasionally deployed angels to destroy those who did not obey Him. For example, He dispatched two angels to destroy the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.[8]

On the other hand, many of the tasks God assigned His angels involved aiding people who remained faithful to Him.[9] For instance, He sent an angel to protect the city of Jerusalem from the Assyrian army. That particular angel carried out his task with a preemptive strike, slaying 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in the middle of the night.[10]

However, God most often dispatched angels simply to communicate a message, as with Mary and Joseph.

All for Jesus,

[1] Matthew 1:20 BT
[2] Ánggelos (ä́ng-gĕ-lŏs), a&ggelo$
[3] Málok (mắl-ôk), ialm
[4] Psalm 148:1-5
[5] Hebrews 1:13-14
[6] Matthew 22:30
[7] Psalm 103:20; Hebrews 2:6-7; 2 Peter 2:9-11
[8] Genesis 19:12-29
[9] Genesis 24:40; Psalm 78:40-51; 91:10-11; Daniel 6:21-22; Acts 5:18-20; 12:5-8; Hebrews 1:13-14
[10] 2 Kings 19:31-36

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